Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Slice of Life Pie (Warning: Very Bitter)

It's come to my attention that I'm not really using this blog like a blog (more like a dumping ground for my brain ((OR: CONGRATULATIONS!! You're the 2,222nd weird thought to go through my mind today! You've won the honor of being posted on this website!!!)) ), so. going to talk about my day.
I woke up this morning and it was about 20 degrees in my room, and all my cozy winter sweaters were in the wash, so I went downstairs wrapped in my blanket. I'm not used to walking around the house dressed like a corpse so I shut the door on the corner of the blanket, tripped, and because I couldn't use my arms to grab onto something I fell on my face. Great start to a great day. Yeah. (Also, we were out of milk so I had to eat my cereal dry.)
Fast-forward to school: Basically a lot more falling. I tripped up the stairs and I dropped all my books in the hallway and I even tripped walking back to my table at lunch (One of those awkward little trips that's really  more like a stumble. I can't even trip right anymore. I won the Tripping Olympics in '04 but I guess even that last skill is leaving me). And I was late to my first class because some random girl wanted me to help her open her locker. Like I'm a locker-opening wizard. As mentioned above, I'm not even good at being bad at things.
My report card was a kind of Twilight Zone-y experience but I think everyone's heard that story so I'll skip right past that.
Next comes more klutziness, more falling, and I think I broke my dad's TV remote. I mean really. I always fail at life but today was simply OUTSTANDING.
And then I got to talk to someone I haven't seen in years (on this blog, too (you all missed it) and I got friend-dumped.
You see, ladies and gentleman (James) this is why I do not talk about my life. I just wanted to prove that I. Can. RANT.
I think I'll just go back to random thoughts now.
(I'm not trolling, I just like this face.)

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