Friday, December 2, 2011

Eyeliner + Boredom = This

It's ok to be in awe of the beautiful, guys. It's ok. Others have been there before you.
Imma wear this to school on Monday :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Can't We All Just Get Along?

I have a confession to make: I'm not really a tomato fairy.
(^ Haleigh will get this.)

No, really, I have a confession: This post has no point at all, whatsoever.

If you have a problem with that, you can take it up with the real tomato fairies. You can find them by grabbing the first tomato you see after reading this and throwing it at the moon. Then spin around three times and throw up on the person next to you. When they (rightfully) beat you up, go towards the light and you'll find them.
I am not responsible for any deaths.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

In New York...(cont.)

Other things I saw:
-A guy jumping up and down in the subway car
-A guy playing the accordion really loudly in the subway car
-Cosmopolitan next to a magazine about Jesus in a window display
-A guy with an Australian accent on the Amtrak
...and yet I got all the way back to Beverly before I saw a guy lighting a bong. New York, you have disappointed me.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Coulrophobia Anyone?

Scared yet?  <- The human mind is a wonderful place if it can come up with a movie like this.

In New York... far I've seen:
-Some guy singing coming up the subway steps (I think it was a show tune)
-Two people on the subway speaking Russian (:D)
-Douchebag beards: Way more popular than they should be
-Some guy pirouetting in the middle of the street and no one staring
-Some lady talking about her colonoscopy in front if the Met
-Someone in the Met throwing their map into the fountain instead of a coin
-Lots of people standing in groups yelling at each other.

b.t.w. Douchebag beard=the thing freshmen college guys grow to convince girls that they are sexy and mature (and sometimes spiritual and troubled). Usually fails. Not to be confused with Douchebag Sideburns (What Justin has) and Douchebag Ginger (James).

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving is Awkward

It really is.
We don't have family around here so we always have to sit in on someone else's little reunion. And I always mix up Uncle Bill and Uncle Bob (Or Uncle Harry and Uncle Larry) and then I just feel like an idiot.
And I had to sit at the kids' table with the toddlers because apparently being 14 doesn't make you eligible to go talk to the college students. This is mean but I. HATE. Little kids. They just freak me out.
Stuffing is yummy though.
I wish we didn't always have to eat it at some random family friend's house though. Even if there is someone my age there (there was this year but usually everyone is either under 8 or over 35), what the hell do you say to someone you haven't seen in a year? And even that was at his grandfather's WAKE? (Not the best place to rekindle old friendships.)
Meh, I'm just in a bad mood because I got sauce on my new sweater.
And now because my computer doesn't recognize "meh" as a word.
Happy Turkey-Day!!!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A Slice of Life Pie (Warning: Very Bitter)

It's come to my attention that I'm not really using this blog like a blog (more like a dumping ground for my brain ((OR: CONGRATULATIONS!! You're the 2,222nd weird thought to go through my mind today! You've won the honor of being posted on this website!!!)) ), so. going to talk about my day.
I woke up this morning and it was about 20 degrees in my room, and all my cozy winter sweaters were in the wash, so I went downstairs wrapped in my blanket. I'm not used to walking around the house dressed like a corpse so I shut the door on the corner of the blanket, tripped, and because I couldn't use my arms to grab onto something I fell on my face. Great start to a great day. Yeah. (Also, we were out of milk so I had to eat my cereal dry.)
Fast-forward to school: Basically a lot more falling. I tripped up the stairs and I dropped all my books in the hallway and I even tripped walking back to my table at lunch (One of those awkward little trips that's really  more like a stumble. I can't even trip right anymore. I won the Tripping Olympics in '04 but I guess even that last skill is leaving me). And I was late to my first class because some random girl wanted me to help her open her locker. Like I'm a locker-opening wizard. As mentioned above, I'm not even good at being bad at things.
My report card was a kind of Twilight Zone-y experience but I think everyone's heard that story so I'll skip right past that.
Next comes more klutziness, more falling, and I think I broke my dad's TV remote. I mean really. I always fail at life but today was simply OUTSTANDING.
And then I got to talk to someone I haven't seen in years (on this blog, too (you all missed it) and I got friend-dumped.
You see, ladies and gentleman (James) this is why I do not talk about my life. I just wanted to prove that I. Can. RANT.
I think I'll just go back to random thoughts now.
(I'm not trolling, I just like this face.)

Report Card Scrabble







See. Grades ARE fun.

Monday, November 14, 2011

I'm sorry, but I just don't get it

Does "furry ninja" really sound suggestive? I just can't see it.
Is it just me or are people getting sex-paranoid?

My bangs are uneven now

Note to self: Never try to fix up haircut while singing along to the radio (and dancing a bit). Multitasking and hair do not mix.
If I come to school with what looks like a hairy sea urchin on my head tomorrow, please don't stare.

Hello There

The tomatoes are coming for you. They hide in the trees. Come on now, don't be a skeptic. You know it's true.